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Playtest Barrage For Free Below!

Barrage is a setting agnostic ttrpg focused on being highly customizable and highly modular. It uses a custom dice system that uses the dice size to mark difficulty and your skill determines how many of those dice you roll. If any of your dice rolled a "1", you succeed! This system allows players to always have a chance of success, even if it is small, likewise, the players always have a chance of failure. Along with rolls never being certain, this system allows for a more dynamic degree of success system than most other TTRPGs. For each 1 you roll, you increase your degree of success by one. In combat that means increasing the amount of damage dice you roll, allowing any character to roll MASSIVE criticals. My goal for this game is to be a dynamic, inclusive, and exciting game that is easy to learn.

With how ambitious of a project this is and with me being a solo dev currently, development is on a long schedule, but I hope to have the initial supplement book and Pre-Alpha 0.02 ready by early 2024!